9 de April de 2020

Sambeat to resume production on Tuesday

During the closing time, and continuing until the end of the crisis, the company Sambeat will collaborate for the development and manufacturing in conjunction with various centers (AIMME, AIMPLAS, Florida Universidad) of EPIS for eye protection in the fight against the spread of COVID-19. The safety of our staff is the central point of our management strategy against COVID-19, so we have implemented new operational security measures in addition to those already taken three weeks ago. Some of these changes are: Promotion of teleworkingWidespread use of masks and gloves.Sectorization of […]
17 de February de 2020

Get your Maderalia Fair Tickets here!

Sambeat invites you to attend this reference event, on March 10-13 at Valencia’s Fair. If you want to know about our product in advance, you can also take a look at our catalogue. In order to get your ticket, you only will have to click on this link below: https://tpv2.feriavalencia.com/action/entrada.do?metodo=generarPantallaPago1&evento=37&evd=41&id=&tip=0&prod=1&tipocliente=V&codact=0

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