During the closing time, and continuing until the end of the crisis, the company Sambeat will collaborate for the development and manufacturing in conjunction with various centers (AIMME, AIMPLAS, Florida Universidad) of EPIS for eye protection in the fight against the spread of COVID-19.

The safety of our staff is the central point of our management strategy against COVID-19, so we have implemented new operational security measures in addition to those already taken three weeks ago.

Some of these changes are:

Promotion of teleworking
Widespread use of masks and gloves.
Sectorization of all production sections, to reduce staff mobility.
Staggered entry into production shifts.
Disinfection with hypochlorous acid antiseptic solution.
Disinfection at shift changes, of any shared equipment.
Specific safety protocols for the reception of goods.
Closure of company canteens,
Shoe disinfection at all staff access points.
Daily disinfection of external areas at the entrance to the work centres.
Active promotion of meetings with clients and suppliers by video conference systems.

Our entire sales team is at your disposal to clarify any doubts that may arise, and to provide you with information on the status of your orders, offers and projects.


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